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Modern business and the art of tweeting

We (that's me, Karen, and the now known as "artistically incontinent" Moose) were flattered to be featured in The Times - Business section today.

The very talented and patient journalist David Waller @diagonaldave managed to distill hours of us blathering on into an article that makes us look like we have a plan.

He arrived on the first morning of the new Autumn term.  Our boys had trotted off to school in their uncomfortable synthetic mini-accountant outfits after a long Summer holiday, during which we'd juggled work and parenting, neither of which had been accomplished very successfully.

Having to explain your story in detail to a stranger is the perfect way to start back to work with a bit of focus rather than the usual email fuelled to do list panic. Obviously it helps if your 'stranger' is someone who knows about business and is creative himself (What I failed to learn from hip hop: Dave Waller at TEDxBrighton) but I can highly recommend it. Thank you Dave.

Here's the beginning of the article and the Vine he is describing. The rest you'll have to read in The Times or by subscribing online.

A stick-figure reaches the torn edge of a sheet of paper, looks down at the artist’s green cutting mat exposed beneath and scratches his head. How will he find another piece of paper to continue his journey? Suddenly another sheet appears, proffered by the artist’s hand. The figure hops on, is carried across, dismounts, waves his thanks and trots off to his stick-figure future.

Lift is a typical of the lo-fi work produced by the “artistically incontinent” Moose Allain, whose gallery for amusing, homespun and heartwarming pieces is social media, specifically platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Vine.

“It’s about…

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